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tv   11 News Sunday Morning  NBC  January 27, 2013 5:00am-8:00am EST

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>> next at 11 news, a fire breaks out at a rosedale strip mall where investigators believe the fire started. >> and the battle over guns. thousands rally in washington over gun control laws. >> and thousands endured the icy waters of the chesapeake bay for a worthy cause. 11 news sunday morning starts right now. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] >> welcome to 11 news sunday morning. i'm lisa. >> and i'm kai reed. our top stories in a moment. first a check on our weather
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with tony pann. >> if we just didn't go through that stretch of weather with the arctic arabs you wouldn't say gosh, it's cold. but in the 20's. compared to the mid teens, it's better. current conditions, 26 at the errant. a little bit of cloud cover hanging around. but we don't expect any precipitation this morning. a mixture of sun and clouds but dry and the high temperature maybe getting above freezing at 33. a nice seven-day forecast when i come back in a few minutes. >> super bowl xliii is now a week from today where our ravens will take on the 49ers and as you can see baltimore ravens fever isn't about to break anytime soon. >> 11 news reporter sarah sampson has more on the frenzy.
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>> still flying high after last weekend's victory, ravens fans have been flocking to the sports store. >> they want a.f.c. championship pennants and stuff like that and have a shirt and hopefully a victory on sunday. >> a victory is one thing they cannot buy here, but name anything else, and you can probably find it. >> since they won the super bowl 12 years ago, they love everything about them it's like a love affair. >> there's no doubt brothers martin and lewis good love their hometown team and they have the memory rabil i didn't to prove it. >> prem rabilya and memories. >> some of my favorite memories were hanging out with my brother. >> 3 1/2 years ago he had a
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seizure caused by a brain tumor and since then he has had to stay away from the rowdy game atmosphere. >> the loud noise would irritate me enough to cause a seizure. >> he won tickets to the super bowl and he is getting special earphones to protect his hearing. >> hanging out with my brother for the super bowl is great. >> lewis has medication also that he can take if he feels a seizure coming on, but they don't think he will need it. sarah sampson, wbal-tv 11 news. >> and by the way, you can help send the ravens off in style to new orleans. the city is holding a rally tomorrow morning at the inner
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harbor am if a theater at 11:00. gerry sand ufcy will be there and the cheerleaders and poe will be on hand. >> sandy point park was the site of the polar bear plunge and it lived up to its name after the coldest week. >> it's probably fair to say that all year long nothing sounds quite like this. >> ravens fans put your game faces on. >> nothing feels quite like this and nothing can really compare to this. the ritual, the rite of passage that is the maryland state police polar bear plunge. >> ♪ and the home of the brave ♪
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[applause] >> the view from above, thanks to captain roy, gives true sense of this enormity. 13,000 plunged into the icy chesapeake into what has grown to be the most successful fundraiser. it's for the special olympics. all night long dozens of super plungers met the water 24 times and raised nearly a $250,000 dollars. our rob roblin, a plunge fan favorite spoke to some athletes on their way out of the water. >> how are you doing, angel? >> this brings joy to my heart. every year. these people want to be part of our lives and our community and that's all i could ask for. >> our own jennifer franciotti, a super plunger makes it look easy although this year it was
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much colder. >> the polar bear plunge. >> the early numbers show more than $2 million was raised this year, but officials are still counting. a final number will be out later in the week, probably about the time the super plungers have officially thawed. debra wiener, wbal-tv 11 news. >> in other news this morning baltimore fire department and county units were out in the cold fighting a three-alarm fire at a rosedale strip mall. it appears to have started inside of a jackie chen's chinese restaurant. it spread to five other stores. >> so the fire spread fairly rapidly with all the contents, particularly in a restaurant where they are using cooking oils and other combustibles. so it was a pretty rapid spread which had us escalate the
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incident fairly quickly. >> there were no injuries and the cause of the fire is under investigation. >> one of the great foot soldiers in the civil rights movement has died. in the early 1960's, rev rend dobson led protests and committed his life to social justice and equality. he was a major figure in the faith community for four decades. we had a chance to speak to the 96-year-old anne miller who worked with the rev rend to start the maryland food bank and we asked what she remembered about him. >> the fact that he did something. he didn't just wring his hands and say, isn't it terrible? he thought something can be done about this and did it. >> in a statement mayor stephanie rawlings-blake said we must give thanks to reverend dobson for his righteousness in the face of cruelty.
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rev rend dobson was 89 years old. >> thousands rallied in washington to keep the spotlight on gun violence but gun rights supporters are finding ways to demonstrate their own passion over the issue. more from washington. >> thousands joined a quiet march through the streets of washington to send a message to washington about gun violence. among those in attendance, about 100 parents from newtown, connecticut the site of the deadly school attack. >> i feel hopefull, cautiously optimistic, and i hope this is just the start of a bigger movement to keep not only our children safe but the citizens. >> the rally was one of several organized in cities across the united states from san francisco to new jersey. >> i'm hoping that the power of
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regular people will actually assert in contrast to the lobbying power of the n.r.a. >> the national rifle association says it is preparing for an all of out battle insisting that banning weapons is not the answer. >> this is about action. no more talk. if not our, when? >> the american debate over guns. hitting home in the nation's capital. >> brian moore, wbal-tv 11 news. >> and senate hearings on the gun control debate are scheduled to start sunday. >> here in baltimore one organization came together to help reduce crime. the guardian angels held their
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second meeting to share ways in which everyone can get involved to prevent crime. >> and what we hope to do is bring this group of people together and come up with some sort of like minded idea of what we can all do as far as community and policing to cush the crime in baltimore. >> guardian angels not only volunteered to patrol the streets but provide educational programs and conduct workshops for schools and businesses. >> the time is 5:10 and it's 26 degrees at kraig urbik. and the penalties of -- if caught useing a cell phone while behind the wheel. >> and the painful amount you can expect to pay -- >> but first you're looking at a live picture of outside. stay with us. 11 news sunday morning is just getting started.
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>> welcome back. time is coming up on 5:14. we have partly cloudy skies. it's 31 downtown. at least the winds are calm. we don't have to calculate the wind chill right now. certainly you still need winter gear if you're stepping out today. >> 21 in parkton and 18 in rising shun. rising sun. the clouds a little thinner in the northeast part of the state. these are not snow-producing clouds. some scattered clouds showing up here on the satellite. that's all i expect, just a mix of sun and clouds heading through this afternoon. but producing freezing rain this afternoon. this is the leading edge of a
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much warmer air mas that's going to visit us. we're going to get the chance to jump into the mid 50's. that's by the middle of the week. as we make the transition from one air mas to another, if you lived here a long time you know these fronts have a long time coming through. we may end up with freezing rain or sleet or snow as the transition takes place monday morning, so it could be slippery monday morning with the possibility of ice then get above freezing in the afternoon. the forecast for today looks like this. a mix of sun and clouds. the high temperature is between 30 and 35. but it will be dry. seven-day forecast going into next weekend, a chance for some sleet, snow or even ice early in the morning. rain showers likely off and on tuesday and wednesday but high
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temperatures are going to be in the 50's and then it will get cold again towards the end of the week we e'll drop back into the 20's and maybe even snow on friday. >> how much mayor michael bloombergal gave to his alma mater. >> think you're a pro at juggling multiple tasks? research shows you may not be as good as you think, next. >> and i'm kim dacey. >> and i'm kim dacey. i'll take you to the [ female announcer ] having grands biscuits in the morning is easy. pop them in, go about your business, and in just 15 minutes, your family can enjoy warm fresh from the oven biscuits. pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun.
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>> in this morning's "medical alert," a new study out of kiezer perm 911 tae shows an increase over the past three years, they found a 25% increase in adhd cases from
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2001 to 2010. the biggest increase is in african-american children but white children are most likely to be diagnosed. nearly half of babies and toddlers after a study of over 300,000 children. they found half of children two months two years didn't get all their vaccines and or didn't get all their vaccines. many parents purposefully didn't follow the vaccine schedule. and older adults with hearing loss also have a risk for increased chance of lower
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cognitive activity. >> so do you think you're a good multitasker? we researched. probably not. explaining why. >> the art of multitasking. it's considered a plus on most resumes. doing it well can make you extremely valuable to a company or business and the majority of us do it every day in can a car. >> some of the analysis done at a federal level and understanding something about the person. >> but david strare has this art form down to a science. his study looked at more than 300 students multitasking. >> the people who do it the most are kind of the least capable of doing it. >> of the students tested, 70% believed they were above average and of that 70%, they
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>> tend to score high they are in impulseivety and tend to be overconfident of their abilities when in fact their actual ability is nowhere near as good as they think. >> a long time ago it was determined reporters should walk and talk that the time of the story to display their point but you shouldn't try this at home. the studyal suggests only 2.5% of those surveyed can actually multitask. >> that means 97% of us are bad at multitasking, including me. the goal of the study? to help change mindset. >> if you're going to change behavior, you should understand why they do it to begin with. >> that was angie whittenburg reporting. don't go away. much more news coming up. first, here's a look at some of the events going on around town today.
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[ telephone rings ] good evening, this is flo. [laughs] yes, i'm that flo. aren't you sweet! licensed phone-ups available 24/7. call 1-800-progressive.
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>> after the ravens a.f.c. championship win many ravens fans are looking to travel to the big easy to cheer on their team, but just house easy will this be? >> i am trying to -- i have two clients interested in the baltimore ravens super bowl packages. >> the calls are non-stop for
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fans looking for a way to get to the new orleans' location. >> we had a few calls last night. people are trying to see if there's anyay possible they can go. >> they say the simplest thing might be to buy a package deal but get ready to pay a package deal. david forked over $12,000 for a package deal. it's costing $6,250 apiece. >> so what else is out there? >> if you're doing flights on your own, the hot spot day is the first through the fourth. very limited. southwest just completely sold out. if you have extra time and want to stretch it. go thursday and come home tuesday but the closest hotels
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we're finding are 40-60 miles away. >> the first is land and air package. a second is a land-only package where fans would already have their travel booked whether they are flying or driving and they just want to go to the game and hospitality events. >> the three-night air and land package starts at $5,935 dollars. but for many fans, well worth it. >> extremely expensive. >> yes. at this point, planes, trains and automobiles because you're best bet is probably going to be to fly into jackson or atlanta and then drive or forget about it. >> watch it at home. >> good luck if you're still trying to get to go. the time is 5:26 and 22 degrees on tv hill. one for the history books.
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coming up, a wrap of the 17th annual polar bear plunge. >> how much of the nation is dealing with the wintry weather? >> your seven-day forecast is coming up.
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>> welcome back to 11 news sunday morning, everybody. thank you for joining us. >> let's take another look outside with tony pann. it's bone-chilling. >> but it will make it into the 50's by next week but sometimes when you make transition from a cool to warm air mas you could get freezing rain and here's a look at temperatures. 24 in hagerstown. we should be able to sneak both freezing this afternoon, the high temperatures in the low to mid 50's with sunshine and a few clouds. all in all, not a battery day. we'll talk more about the possibility for ice and check your seven-day. >> as tony pann told us, it's been cold here and in other parts of the country. >> the south has been dealing with conditions those in the region are not prepared for. >> the sounds of winter.
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a windshield wiper straining to clear the ice. the roar of a salt truck. and the pelting of sleet on a window. freezing rain and ice made travel a nightmare throughout the carolinas. 29 people hospitalized. hundreds of traffic wrecks just in the charlotte area alone. folks around here don't take so kindly to this sort of thing. >> losing control and slipping and sliding, i hate it. i'm a good southern boy. don't like cold or ice or snow. >> the frigid temperatures in tennessee left trees looking ice sculpttures. interstate 81 clouded by a mix of white powder and brown slush. chicago an historic streak was finally broken, the city's first inch of snow in 335 days.
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>> to the east in syracuse with a high of 20 degrees, ice had to be broken on the seneca river for those braving the polar bear plunge. the temperatures in michigan also so low the detroit river was dotted with what appeared to be iceburgs. meanwhile out west in utah where they are used to this sort of weather, the ice sent a number of people to the e.r. >> i went out to get the newspaper and next thing i knew, i was flat on my back in the driveway. >> as injuries are treated and the cleanup continues, a new storm is targeting the midwest. nbc news, atlanta. >> well, 13,000 people did something that most people in the cold freezing winter won't. that i willingly jumped into the icy chesapeake bay to raise money. some did it every hour for an
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entire day. rob roblin introduces us to the motivation behind the superstars. >> the super plungers started plunging friday morning. time after time they went into the cold water. one time every 24 hours. >> go! >> whoo! >> this is the 10th anniversary of the sup -- super plunge. it all started with three people. one was special olympics athlete jimmy myrick. >> this started 0 years ago with you and tom and greg shipley. did you ever think it would be this big and this great? >> actually, it's great to be this big, but i want more people to come. >> jimmy couldn't plunge this year, he has been fighting leukemia, so others plunged for him. >> to actually see him back here, that was motivational for us. it was a very cold night but knowing he was there late last night and early this morning.
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i heard he was up at 5:00 a.m. ready to come back over here? incredible. that's the support he gives us and i'm ready to give it back to him. >> he was here early and came back after just a couple hours of sleep and gets people excited after they have been up all night and delirious and ready for the last flouge kick off things for the day. >> by saturday morning they were still plunging. early saturday morning folks started showing up here at sandy point state park. >> this is the 17th annual polar bear plunge. it's an event like none other. >> tots give back to kids who want to do something that might not be able to do it like the regular kids who deserve to do it. and it's for a good cause. >> it's a lot of fun coming down here and i've got my 5-year-old. >> then thousands took the plunge. as always, it was a sight to see. all these people helping
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special olympic athletes. rob roblin, wbal-tv 11 news. >> well, another polar bear plunge with a different cause took place yesterday in the washington, d.c. area. with snow on the ground and temperatures in the 20's, more than 150 people took a dip in the patomic river. the annual icy ritual is called keep the -- their goal is to urge the state and federal government to take stronger action on climate change. >> they didn't look as enthusiastic as our plungers. >> because they are pros here. >> mayor michael bloomberg tops his own donation. the largest ever to a single school. >> more on the bone marrow drive. one story coming up. >> and we have freezing rain and sleet in the seven-day forecast. stay with us.
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>> and welcome back, the time is 5:37. 26 degrees at the airport. 31 downtown. at the top of the hour the winds were calm. so we don't have to calculate a wind chill. 18 in rising sun. that's one of the colder spots i could find out there. it's 23 in rock haul on the eastern shore. we should be able to sneak into the lower 30's this afternoon so maybe getting above freezing in some neighborhoods. a few high school, thin clouds. we don't expect any precipitation during the day. freezing rain produced in st. louis and snow around chicago.
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this is the leading edge of a much warmer air mas that will visit us during the middle of the week. we expect it to be in the 50's tuesday and wednesday. if you have lived here you know the warm fronts trying to come up the coast have a difficult time coming through. we could wind up with some freezing rain, sleet or even snow and minor icing conditions to kick off monday morning. so the monday morning commute could be kind of messy. right now the winter weather advisories are only in the mountains, but they will be extended to baltimore early in the morning. give yourself extra time. today, no problem. mixture of sunshine and clouds. sunrise at 7:17 and the high temperatures will climb into the low to mid 30's this afternoon. possibility of some ice. we make it up to 38 in the afternoon. 53 on tuesday and 55 wednesday. not going to last very long but it is going to warm up.
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temperatures will drop back into the 20's with a chance for some light snow on friday. >> johns hopkins university is celebrating a major donation from michael bloomberg. the school announced yesterday that the mayor is giving them $350 million. most of the money will support faculty research and teaching, the rest financial aid for undergraduate students. bloomberg has now given more than $1 billion to the yuret where he graduated in 1964. >> a bone marrow drive to help a baltimore monsignor and others in a community in need. monsignor was diagnosed with leukemia in 2006 and has already had one transplant. his doctors say he needs a second to fight the disease. any healthy person between 18 and 34 can be a donor. >> i want to be able to help somebody else. that was the idea.
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there's people out there that it's not a big deal. it is a big deal. so it's not all that difficult to be a donor and you can save a life. >> and then you're going to take the swab. >> the information for the swab will be kept on a registeryal called "be the match." >> for some families, dinner time can mean eat healthy or stay on budget. that's where a team of culinary profession come in. nbc's chef shows how they are making a difference. >> a working mother of two married to an army staff sergeant and studying to become a nurse. these days she has a lot on her plate. she is feeding her family on a very tight budget. >> i want to provide healthy meals for my children. it's very expensive. >> they are more than the 100,000 families who have turned to cooking matters. with 2500 chefs in 32 states,
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the free non-profit program teaches low-income families how to prepare healthy, low-cost meals. >> it's a struggle. the knew traditionists have knowledge to share. >> they teach the bangs, fruits, grains and veggies are the foundation for a healthy diet. the class begins in the kitchen then takes families into the grocery store. >> this single mother of two is learning to read labels, compare prices and eat fresh. >> before this class you think of eating healthy as being bland and nasty. you can eat healthy and still have tastefull food. >> cafe says the program changed her family's life and it's saving money, too. the hanoes cut their grocery bill in half and learned great
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lessons. >> not only am i cooking healthier meals, i am saving money and this is something i'm going to pass on to my kids. >> giving families the recipe for success. miguel, nbc news, los angeles. >> a new wind energy bill is in the works in annapolis. coming up, what marylanders could expect to pay coming up. >> and using a cell phone, the stiff penalty if so caught doing that while driving. >> first here's a look at last night's winning lottery numbers. [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso.
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i just served my mother-in-law your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. of green giant vegetables it's easy to eat like a giant... ♪ and feel like a green giant. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant and they won't be beginners for long. give a couple beginners a great idea, they'll go to where they can get the skills, the savings, and the supplies they need - to go from beginning...
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to doing... to beautifully done. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. right now this shaker vanity cabinet is a special buy at just one hundred, ninety-nine dollars. call (star star)thd to shop now.
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>> in session 2013 this morning an effort to make using a cell phone while driving a primary traffic offense. they introduced the bill that mirrored the one that bans texting while driving. it allows police to pull drivers over solely for using a cell phone while driving. >> personally, i think we did it bass akwards, because as long as we let people have a cell phone in their hand, they are going to try to do that quick text. >> the measure has bipartisan support and is expected to pass in the house. it's one vote shy of getting out of a senate committee. >> also in annapolis governor o'malley rolled out his
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wind-energy bill after being assured the votes are there for passage. however, putting wind turbines off the coast will have an impact on your utility bill. >> the governor declared his wind energy bill now has enough votes in the house and senate for passage. but concedes wind you are the bines 10 miles off the coast of ocean city may only happen if maryland finds partners. >> hopefully perhaps delaware and virginia. hopefully our federal government. the governors legislation putsal strict cost controls in place. rate payers will be charged $1.50 or less to be helping wind farms but that isn't expected to show up on bills until 2015. >> the average is based on 1,000 kilowatt hours per month. >> the passage will allow
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maryland to take control of its energy future. >> this is a piece of legislation that's very, very important to us and sets maryland right well-positioned to really create the jobs. >> construction and maintenance of a wind farm could create 850 plfering jobs alone. >> in addition it could power half the homes on the eastern shore and 1/3 of the homes in baltimore city. >> industry experts say hurricane sandy proved wind you are the bines off the coast of new jersey can survive big storms and with little disruption of service. >> it's a testament to the remarkable strength of these machines that will be put out in the ocean. >> there's also a push in annapolis to increase the minimum wage from $7.25 to $10 an hour. they hope to get the increase
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by 2013. -- by 2015. they say in washington they have a higher minimum wage and hasn't changed and they want to it adjust with the cost of living. >> their relationship blossomed from there, but something kept them from actually tying the north. >> ahead in our next hour, one couple's wedding and a surprise they did not see coming. >> great story. >> i'm pete gilbert. we know it's ray lewis' last ride but what about a veteran raven?
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[ male announcer ] now at your neighborhood subway: the big hot pastrami melt. we perfected the pastrami sandwich -- filled with hot, juicy pastrami, pickles, yellow mustard and bubbly melted cheese. all piled-high on our signature freshly baked bread. made hot, toasty and just for you. and don't be afraid to put your spin on this deli style deliciousity -- add your favorite ingredients, like spicy jalapeños or crisp green peppers. get to your local subway and taste some perfect pastrami today!
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subway. eat fresh. in the morning is easy.
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pop them in, go about your business, and in just 15 minutes, your family can enjoy warm fresh from the oven biscuits. pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. good evening, this is flo. [laughs] yes, i'm that flo. aren't you sweet! licensed phone-ups available 24/7. call 1-800-progressive.
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>> good morning. happy super bowl week. my goodness, one week from today, super bowl xliii between the ravens and the 49ers. and yesterday the ravens held their final practice of the season at home. unbelievable. that came on january 26. 2013? yes. that's how good the season has gone, it's lasted this long. naturally, joe flacco leads the way. by scrutiny or any measure flacco remains exactly the same, just like the man who hikes the ball. check out matt birk. he may join ray lewis in the super bowl being his last ride but not really his style to let anybody know but nonetheless john harford county very happy with the ravens right now. >> matt birk has been a huge part of this program for the last four years. he has been a huge part of joe's development as you just noted. he is smart, tough, and to my
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eye he is playing the best football he has played since he has been here to this point. to have that be true at the end of a 24-game season is very impressive. so he has just done a great job for us and we would not be where we are without matt birk. >> checking college basketball, duke, look at the 7'1" kid. i tried that with nerf basketball in my room as a kid. 7'1," baseline slam, one of the best maryland dunks in years. however, the terps could not defend so well. rashid sulaimon. great blocks. there's seth curry knocking down another three. duke 11-from downtown. also had to deal with that. plumlee, the reverse, no-look
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slam. something i had not before seen. 84-64, your final. terps fall to 3-4 in a.c.c. play. i'm pete gilbert. have yourself a fantastic week! >> one local t-shirt printing company got very busy. printing new championship t-shirts. worked through the night so fans could have them on the shelves to buy. >> the t-shirt printing presss are in high gear turning out new ravens t-shirts. >> this was a term bilk coined years ago when they were in the super bowl before. and it's kind of stuck, and every year when they are in the playoffs, it starts with festivus. and hopefully we're going all the way. >> the workers at nightmare graphics in columbia were ready and started making the shirts
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around midnight just a couple hours after the ravens sealed their spot in the super bowl. they plan to keep on going until they fulfill all of their orders. >> now we have to have the shipments coming. the whole idea in the hot market is that you continue to print. >> the plain black shirts kept coming in as the venders worked to have them come in. some even preordered them and had them for sale last night. they hope to make 25,000 to 30,000 shirts and there are more designs in the works for later in the week. >> there will be more championship designs coming. you can't just sit on one design, because in this business you want business to keep coming back to you and purchase the new design and sell those, too. everybody doesn't want the same shirt. so you've got to have some variety. >> and they are already
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thinking ahead prepared for when the ravens will win this super bowl. there will be shirts for that, too. >> when the season is over they plan to praint ray lewis commemorative t-shirt. wbal-tv 11 news. >> the time is 5:56 and 26 degrees at b.w.i. here's a look ahead at our next hour of 11 news sunday morning. >> crews battle a fire at a strip mall. >> and could be freezing rain tomorrow morning. we'll took about that in a few minutes. >> plus, the polar bear plunge draws thousands to the icy chesapeake bay. a wrapup of yesterday's annual event when we continue. stay with us.
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>> welcome back to 11 news sunday morning. i'm lisa robinson. >> and i'm kai reed. first we want to take a look outside with meteorologist tony pann. you gave me the best news when we first started. >> what news? >> in the 50's next week? >> monday morning we could get a little ice or freezing rain. but it is going to be warmer by the middle portion of the week, so those of you who are not winter weather fans, there's a little bit of a break for you.
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25 at the airport. we will make it up to 33 or 4 this afternoon. we don't expect any precipitation today. it should be dry and warmer than it has been. we'll take you through that seven-day forecast and talk about the possibility of ice and that warm-up in a few minutes. >> all right. are you ready for super bowl xliii? it's now just one week away. the ravens will take on the 49ers and there's ravens fever all over baltimore. >> fans are stocking up on merchandise and the lucky ones are making plans to go to new orleans. more on the fan frenzy. >> still flying high after last year's a.f.c. championship victory, ravens fans have been flocking to novel sports and other shops since the minute they opened. >> they want afc championship t-shirts and pennants and also
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want to see the shirts and have hopefully a victory on sunday. >> a victory is one thing they cannot buy here but name just about anything else andy will find it. >> since they won the super bowl 12 years ago, people started loving them, and i think the team loves the community back. so it's like a love affair. >> trying to throw a back shoulder -- >> there's no doubt brothers martin and lewis glad love their hometown team and they have got the memorabilia. memorabilia and memories. >> some of the best times that i've had were hanging out with my brother down at the ballpark prior to the game. >> but lewis hasn't been at the stadium much lately. 3 1/2 years ago he had a seizure caused by a brain tumor. since then he has had to stay away from the rowdy game-day atmosphere. >> the loud noise would irritate me enough to set off a seizure. >> martin won a lottery for
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tickets to go to the super bowl. to make the trip they are getting special headphones to protect lewis' ears. >> it's going to knock down the decibel level so it won't be such a shock to my system. >> hanging out with my brother at the super bowl is one of my dreams come true now. >> the brothers are flying down to new orleans on thursday and lewis has medication he can take if he feels a seizure coming on but they don't think he'll need it. sarah sampson, wbal-tv 11 news. >> you can help send the ravens off in style to new orleans. the city is holding a rally at 11:30 at the amphitheatre. gerry sandusky will be the m.c. and the celebration will include ravens cheerleader and members of the 2000 super bowl team and poe. >> sandy point park was the place to be this weekend for the brave, committed, chilly
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and of course big-hearted. the 17th annual polar bear plunge lived up to its name after the coldest week of the winter season. 11 news debra wiener has more. >> it's probably fair to say that all year long nothing sounds quite like this. >> and 11 is out there. put your game faces on. >> nothing feels quite like this, and nothing can really compare to this. the ritual, the rite of passage that is the maryland state police polar bear plunge. ♪ and the home of the brave ♪ [applause] >> the view from above, thanks to captain roy gives the true sense of this enormity. 13,000 plunged into the icy chesapeake in what has grown into the most successful fundraiser in history.
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raising money for the special olympics. >> all night long super plungers met the water 24 times and raised nearly $250,000. >> you're cold. how are you doing, angel? >> i'm wonderful and tired but i am having a blast. this just brings joy to my heart. these people want to be part of our lives. they want to be a part of our community, and that's all i could ask for. >> our own jennifer franciotti, a super plunger regular makes it look easy though this year it was much colder. >> it's a true polar bear plunge. >> it is. >> terrific out here! >> the early numbers show more than $2 million was raised this year, but officials are still counting. a final number will be out later in the week, probably about the time the super plungers have officially thawed. debra wiener, wbal-tv 11 news.
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>> in other news this morning, baltimore county fire department yuventse were out in the cold fighting a three alarm fire at a strip mall in rosedale. investigators say the fire appears to have started in jackie chan's chinese restaurant. the fire was upgraded to a third alarm after five other stores became involved. >> it's down like five stores from our store so we didn't think it was that bad. then all of a sudden it started moving from one store to the next. we all got out of there and i got the customers out of there. >> more than 150 personnel were on hand to control the fire. there were no reported injuries. >> one of the great foot soldiers vernon nathaniel dobson. in the early 1960's he committed his life to social justice and equality. as the pastor he was a major
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figure in the faith community for four decades. we had the chance to speak to 96-year-old anne miller who worked with reverend dobson to start the maryland food bank. she tells us what she remembers most about him. >> he did something. he didn't just wring his hands. >> in a statement baltimore mayor stephanie rawlings-blake said we must give thanks to ref and dobson for his bravery, honesty and righteous perseverance in the face of cruelty. >> another says i was proud to call him friend and his loss is a death for everyone who cares about equal opportunity for all. rev and dobson was 89 years old. >> well, many took to the streets keep the spotlight on gun violence and back obama's push for stricter gun laws. but demonstrators are finding
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ways to demonstrate their own passion for the issue. >> thousands joined a quiet march through the streets of washington to send a message to washington about gun violence. among those in attendance, about 100 parents from newtown, connecticut, the scene of last month's deadly elementary attack. >> i feel hopefull, cautiously optimistic and i hope this is just the start of a bigger movement to keep not only our children safe but the citizens. >> the rally was one of several organized in cities across the united states. from san francisco to new jersey. >> i'm hoping that the power of regular people will actually assert itself in contrast to the lobbying power of the n.r.a. >> the national rifle association says its gearing up for an all-out battle insisting that gun bans make no one
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safer. vice president biden is spear heading a public push for new gun legislation that will strengthen background checks and limit high-power ammunition magazines and get assault we havens off of america's streets. >> this is about action. no more talk if not now, when? >> the american debate over guns. hitting home in the nation's capital. brian moore, wbal-tv 11 news. >> the senate is scheduled to begin hearings on the gun control debate starting this wednesday. >> and near baltimore one organization came together to help organize a plan to reduce crime in the city. the guardian angels held their second community meeting yesterday bringing together police and officials to discuss ways everyone can get involved to help lower crime. >> and what we hope to do is bring this group of people together and come up with some sort of like-minded idea of what we can all do as far as community and policing and
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whatever to curb the crime in baltimore. >> the guardian angels not only volunteered to troop the streets but conduct workshops for schools and businesses. 6:09 and 22 degrees. ahead in our "consumer alert" why annie's is voluntaryly recalling its frozen pizzas. >> and don dwire is opening up about his political future after his boat crash. >> and tony has your insta-weather plus forecast after this break. don't go away. i got it when we could download an hd movie in like two minutes.
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>> welcome back. the time is about 12 minutes after 6:00. 25 degrees stat airport. top of the hour, winds were calm. so it's not quite as cold as the last couple of mornings. temperatures were in the teens but you still want to take the
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winter gear if you're stepping out in the next few minutes. we managed to drop into the teens. inform parkton and rising sun, rock haul and eastern shore it's in the 20's. there's no precipitation in this cloud deck but you will see a little bit of cloud cover especially south of baltimore. it will become mostly sunny for most of us as we head into the afternoon. things will change overnight tonight and into tomorrow. right now producing rain and -- freezing rain and sleet into the western part of illinois. that's the leading edge of a much warmer air mas that's going to arrive here in maryland. that will be tuesday and wednesday. tomorrow, as the warm front comes through, we will start with temperatures in the 20's and get precipitation going with the warm air riding over
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the top of the cold air at the surface. that produces a combination of snow, sleet and freezing rain, so there could be some minor icing going on for the morning commute on monday. it should make it into the mid 30's by the afternoon but tomorrow morning i expect there will be a -- there could be a bit of a problem with ice. the high temperatures between 30 and 35 today, your seven-day forecast starting tomorrow morning, a brief period of snow, sleet or freezing rain then it gets better in the afternoon. mild tuesday and wednesday with highs in the 50's but a pretty good chance for rain. then cold with a chance of snow for friday. >> this morning don dwire is talking about his future and alcoholism. >> he was charged with boating
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while intoxicated and injured six others including children. >> i do not hate homosex walls. >> it was true i was drinking while operating my boat. >> in his life's journey, anne arundel republican delegate don dwire, a lightning rod for controversy says he is now at a crossroads for rebuilding personal relationships and hope. >> are you seeking candidacy? >> yes. and despite my problems, they still support me. >> your actions -- if convicted you face a hefty fine and possible expulsion from your house seat. how do you explain that to voters? >> i have to man up if that happens. i hope individuals will look at that i am honest and forthright and not only admitted that i
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was drinking but the treatment that i put myself in. >> they ran up a bar tab at this eastern shore establishment and he admits he was drinking while operating his boat. it injured seven including children. and maryland natural resources police did not determine blame. >> what drove you to drink? >> there was neighbor my life, and i used alcohol as a painkiller. >> he separated from his wife and lost 35 pounds because of a medical condition he would not discuss. delegate tiffany austin changed their vote with same-sex marriage. >> the problem was commit and betrayal of individuals i worked with that ended up
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reneging on their support. >> was it a drunken boating crash? >> it was a blessing what happened to me. it's not the way i would have hoped it would have happened but we're not in control of those circumstances. >> what are your legislative sflirets >> i will do everything i can to oppose the governor's gun bill. >> how effective do you think you can be? >> well, i haven't passed a bill in 11 years. but you know what? i fight them. i am the voice of reason. >> how hard is it to go back into the state house now? are you embarrassed? ashamed? humiliated? all of the above? >> i'm not hanging my head in shame. am i embarrassed for what i did? sure. am i responsible? absolutely? does that mean i am not human? i'm like everybody else on the face of this earth. >> state hiring is under way
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and an appliance store is in need of more than 3,5,000 workers. >> and one of the largest gifts ever given to a university. how much mayor michael bloomberg donated to johns hopkins university. that's still ahead. >> and it took them 12 years to wed. what finally got this couple to
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>> we begin this morning's "consumer alert" with a recall from annie's from all varieties of its homegrown rising crust frozen pizza, the company learned a fine metal mesh screen failed at a third-party flour middle and parts of the metal mesh were found in the pizza and pizza dough. between january 9 and 0th of this year. consumers can tax return product to the store for a full refund.
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>> this looks like we're going to win. an outplacement firm called rise mart says the of the two cities, it's surpriseingly an accurate predicter of who will win the big game. the city which boasts the lower unemployment rate has won 20 of its past 25 super bowls. since baltimore has a 7.2% jobless rate, it has an edge. in san francisco, it's 8.2%. >> hug? >> got that? >> speaking of jobs, lowe's is hiring with spring right around the corner, the home improvement retailer is looking to hire thousands of seasonal workers, 13% more than last year. they will work an average of 20-25 hours per week. most of the jobs will begin in the spring and could last until december.
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they also plan to hire 9,000 employees on a apartment basis. time for a look back on wall street. 11 news debra cost stron has the weekend bloomberg business report. >> move over, apple. the world's most valuable company, the apple's 12-month reign fell after c.o.e. led apple to ipad sales, many worry about the management ability to keep producing the hip products. >> are you looking for work, the ecotech institute says there are more than 3 million clean energy jobs and they have a website, go to ecotech and click on the link for clean jobs index. also cell phone users are more likely to speed and drive dangerousy.
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2/3 of drivers admit to talking on their phones while driving. and good news for college grads and their parents. average starting salaries are on the rise. grads from the class of 2012 m average $44,455 per year more than 3.5%. engineers get paid almost $62,000 right out of school compared to humanities and science majors making an average of $37,000 out of school. with the bloomberg on the weekend report for wbal-tv 11 news. >> and stay with us. much more ahead on 11 news sunday morning. first, here's a look at some of the events going on around town this weekend. mmmmmm. a choice of 6 skillet entrees,
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each with an appetizer, and dessert? whoa! no wonder they call it a complete meal. 3 courses, one diner price. complete skillet meals, starting at $8.99. only at denny's.
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>> so can smarts be a catalyst for romance? the first date for this couple was at a ravens-giants super bowl party three years ago but would not tie the north until the ravens returned to the super bowl, which was soon. >> welcome. >> we first met daisy and jim on monday when they told us about their first date at a ravens-giants super bowl party 12 years ago and their promise to get married if the ravens ever made it back to the big game. >> he said, no. it's going to happen. the next time the ravens go.
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that's when we're going to finally get married. >> they started to make plans to elope in new orleans super bowl weekend and watch the game on the. the folks at al packers ravens ford and a ravens player came up with a huge surprise after watching our story. first a meet and greet with geno and some visiona gift cards but then came the surprise of a lifetime. >> i wanted you to open this up and you might get excited what's in side there. >> oh, geez. >> oh, my god! >> no way! >> oh, my god! >> they got two tickets to the super bowl. how? >> thank you so much, man. >> no problem. >> [laughter] >> it was nice to hear the story and when i heard they were not going to the game i decided we have to change their fortunes. >> it's excited to see how excited the fans get for us and
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how much they go out of their way to support us and it's always good to do something back for them. >> it's a huge piece of the puzzle for daisy and jim. they decided to drive out and scoped out wedding locations on the internet. >> it's ecstatic. we have been waiting a long time, and this is really special the way it's happening. >> i think he really wanted to do it now because then he would never forget our anniversary. [laughter] >> well, daisy says part of her wedding planning has included shopping on the internet for of course -- a purple wedding dress. purple flowers and they wanted it to be a whole ravens purple affair. it was fun talking to them. they are a great couple. >> i hope it goes off well and i hope he remembers the anniversary. >> yes. >> all right. it is -- what time is it, 6:30 almost on tv hill. $30,000 people didding? most people -- i can't say it. >> something those in the
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freezing winter would not. the polar bear plunge coming up next e. >> and we do have a little freezing rain and sleet in the forecast. stay with us.
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>> welcome back to 11 news sunday morning, everybody. thanks so much for joining us. >> tony is here with a look outside. is it still 22 outside? >> yes. but that's better than 12. everything is relative. this morning we're in the 20's. but it will feel better than the last couple of days. let's take a look at the current conditions around the region. it's 25 at the airport but only 19 at parkton. 22 in edgewood. we are going to make it into the 30's today. 33 or 34 this afternoon with a mixture of sunshine and a few clouds. we do unfortunately have a little freezing rain and sleet in the commute. i'll talk about that and check
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the seff seff in a few minutes. 13,000 people did something most in the freezing winterer will not. they willingly jumped into the kess peak bay for a cause. >> 11 news reporter rob roblin introduces us to the motivation behind the super plungers. >> the super plungers started plunging friday morning. time after time they went into the cold water. one time every 24 hours. >> go! >> whoo! >> this is the 10th anniversary of the super plunger. -- of the super plunge. it all started with three people. one was special olympic athlete jimmy myrick. this started 10 years ago with you and tom and greg shipley. did you ever think that it would be this big and this great? >> actually, it's great that it's this big, but i want more
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people to come. >> jimmy couldn't plunge this year, he has been fighting leukemia, so others plunged for him. >> to actually see him back here again, that was motivation for us. it was a very cold night but knowing he was there late last night and i heard he was up at 5:00 this morning and ready to come back here. incredible. that's the support he gives us, and i'm glad to give it back to him. >> came back after a couple hours of sleep and gets people excited after they have been up all night and tired and delirious and ready for that last plunge to kind of kick off things for the day. >> by saturday morning they were still plunging. early saturday morning folks started showing up here at sandy point state park. >> this is the 17th annual polar bear plunge. it's an event like none other. >> it's to give back to kids who want to do something that
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might not be able to do it like the regular kids who deserve to do it. and it's for a good cause. >> it's a lot of fun coming down here. i've got my 5-year-old doing it this year. >> then at 1:00 p.m. thousands took the plunge. as always, it was a sight to see. all these people helping special olympic athletes. rob roblin, wbal-tv 11 news. >> and another polar bear plunge with a different cause happened yesterday in washington, d.c. in that area with snow on the ground and temperatures in the 20's, more than 150 people took a dip in the patomic river. this is called the keep winter cold polar bear plunge. sponsored by the chesapeake climate action network. their goal is to urge state and federal government to stake stronger action on climate change. >> well, i know. >> are you talking about -- next year. next year i most likely will be doing the polar bear plunge. >> really? >> yes.
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why not? of course. >> you're going to hold me to it, right? >> yes. >> up next raising awareness. why one local priest decided to start a bone marrow drive. >> you can find the ravens team history in the ravens room at the sports legends museum. i'm kim dacey. i'll take you there coming up. >> we have a nice warm-up in the seven-day forecast. tay
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>> welcome back, the time is 7:37. 25 at the airport. 30 downtown. top of the hour winds were calm, so we don't have to calculate wind chills to start the day today.
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we have a cloud deck down south that's holding temperatures up a little bit. upper teens near the pennsylvan line. you get down closer to this little cloud deck and it's warmer. remember clouds at night keep the temperatures warmer than they would be otherwise. so you will see a little bit of cloud cover, especially south of town but there's no precipitation in that cloud deck, so we should end up dry through the weekend. tomorrow we will see possible freezing rain and sleet. this is the edge of a warm air mas that will visit us later in the week. as we make that transition tomorrow we could have a little bit of a problem. there will be a warm front approaching and the warm air will ride over the cold air we have in place and that could produce a brief period of snow or sleet or freezing rain for the early morning commute tomorrow, and some icing is
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likely. so keep in mind tomorrow morning there could be some slipping and sliding going on. this winter weather advisory will extend to the east to include baltimore city at that time. so the forecast for today, dry. sunrise coming up at 7:17, the high temperature is between 30 and 35. we start with the wintry mix of snow, sleet and freezing rain and then it warms up to 38. we will make it into the 50's tuesday and wednesday. but the warm air will not stick around very long. and we will drop down to really cold by the end of the week. >> the mayor is giving johns hopkins $350 million. most will support faculty research and teaching. the rest is for financial aid for undergraduate students. bloomberg who graduated from the university in 1964 has now
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given more than a billion dollars to the school. >> a bone marrow drive for monsignor art valenzano was diagnosed with leukemia in 2006 and has already had one transplant. his doctors say he needs a second to fight the disease. the monsignor says the drive so raise awareness because anyone between 18-34 can be a donor. >> you can help save someone with leukemia. i also understand there are a lot of people out there, especially young people that aren't getting the kind of support that i'm getting and a lot of families out there praying someone could be the bone marrow donor for their child. >> the information for the drive will be kept on a list called "be the match."
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>> for some families dinner time can be a tough choice. eat healthy or keep on a budget. how some are making a difference. >> a working mother of two married to an army staff sergeant and studying to become a nurse. these days stacey has a lot on her plate. she is feeding her family on a very tight budget. >> i want to provide healthy meals for my children. it's very expensive. >> they are among the more then 100,000 families that have turned to "cooking matters." >> with 2,500 chefs the free non-profit program teaches low-income families thousand prepare low-cost, healthy meals. >> it's critical with most people struggling we don't have the money to give them but we have knowledge to share. >> cooking matters teaches the
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basic, fruits, veggies and grains are the foundation of a healthy diet. the class begins in the kitchen then takes families into the grocery store. >> this is 12? >> a single mother of two is learning to read labels, compare prices and eat fresh. >> before this class, you would think of eating healthy as being bland and nasty. you can eat healthy and still have tastefull food. >> cafe says the program changed her family's life and it's safing families money, too. they cut their bill in half and they have learned lifelong lessons. >> not only am i cooking healthier, better meals but i am saveing a lot more money. this is something that i am going to pass on to my kids. >> cooking matters giving families a recipe for success. nbc news, los angeles. >> a new wind energy bill is in the works in annapolis.
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coming up, what marylands could expect to pay under the governor's new plan. >> and why driving is on the table in annapolis. what this could mean if you're pulled over. >> but first here's a look at last night's winning lottery numbers.
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>> in session 2013 this morning governor o'malley has rolled
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out his wind energy bill. the governor believes the bill now has enough votes for passage but con creeds wind you are the bines off the coast of ocean city would need additional backers. marylanders would pay $1.50 or less per month to subas i dies the wind farm beginning in 2015. >> also in annapolis there's a serious new push to make using a cell phone while the driving a primary traffic offense meaning police can pull you over if they see a phone in your hand behind the wheel. violaters could get a point against their license and a fine. here's 11 news reporter david collins. >> doing this behind the wheel could give police a license to pull you over and tack a point against your driving record. legislation designating cell phone use behind the wheel as a primary offense is personal for
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a number of lawmakers. >> because of the fact that i am putting two young girls on the road. one has one and one will have one in a few years, a drivers license, i want to make sure there's every protection while they are throughout that they concentrate on driving. >> approximately 41,000 people drive while using a cell phone. and today's phones allow you to do much more than talk. >> now we can email, we can tweet. we can text and see somebody just sent us a picture. >> think about it. when you make a cell phone call, you heard it. it requires both visual, auditory, cognitive as well as manuel functions of the individual. driving is a full-time job. >> the new legislation is the one that banned texting while driving. >> personally i think we did it bass akwards, because as long
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as people have a cell phone in their hand they are going to try to do that quick text. >> it's one vote shy of getting out of a senate committee and still working on shoring up votes on the senate floor. >> there's no other device that causes more distraction. >> this will reduce so many that come to hospitals because of distracted driving. >> there are usually no symptoms. that's why it's called the silent killer. the best way to find out if you have high blood pressure. >> and our experts' favorite beauty products are all coming up in our next hour of 11 news. >> i'm pete gilbert. coming up in sports, we tpwhow it's ray lewis' last ride but what about matt birk? one of the veteran
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the car on the left was filled up with low detergent gasoline. the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left. go a little farther with bp gasoline with invigorate. now you have the power to lower gas prices
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with the bp visa with pump rewards. apply at >> good morning. happy super bowl week. my goodness. one week from today indeed super bowl xlvii between the ravens-49ers. yesterday the ravens held their final practice of the season at home. unbelievable. that came on january 26.
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2013! yes. that's how good the season has gone. it's lasted this long. of all the unassuming matter of fact approaches, joe flacco leads the way by any measure flacco remains exactly the same just like the man that hikes the ball. let's check out matt birk. he might join ray lewis in the super bowl being his last ride, but not his style really to let anybody know. regardless john harford county really happy matt birk is with the ravens right now. >> matt birk has been a huge part of this program for the last four years. he has been a huge part of joe's development as you noted. he is smart. he is tough. and to my eye he has played that best football he has played. that the point. to have that be true at the end of a 24-game season is very impressive. so he has done a great job for us and we would not be where we
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are without matt birk. >> checking college basketball, alex yesterday against duke. look at this 7'1" kid. i tried that with nerf basketball and couldn't do it. baseline slam one of the best dunks in maryland in years although the terps couldn't really defend against duke. rashid sulaimon. comes down to seth curry. there's seth. yes. knocking down another three. duke 11-22 from downtown. they also had to deal with that. nathan plumlee, the reverse, no-look follow slam. something i had not yet before seen. that was impressive. 84-64 your final, terps fall to 3-4 in a.c.c. play. that's your sports. i'm pete gilbert. have yourself a fantastic one week from today super bowl day.
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>> everyone should make their way to the sports at camden. >> this year a few displays are especially treasured. kim dacey has the story. >> it's all things purple in the ravens room at the sports legends museum in downtown baltimore. >> we celebrate all of their victories and championships. we do a chronology of the teams so you can start from the beginning. we have the first ball they ever used in the game which was an exhibition game in 1996 against the eagles, so we take that up to present. >> a few displays this year, memorabilia from the ravens super bowl 2000 season including coach brian billick's actual play card for the game and several tributes to ray lewis. >> we have a trophy ball they call them that commemorates the fact that he is one of or the only player who has 30
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interceptions and 20 sacks in his career, and so nobody else has done that. we also have, un, some jerseys of his on display. >> here at the museum they have nicknamed this the year of the fives. it's not just because of flacco's jersey. >> we won the championship in 1958 so this would be the fifth one. we won in 1958, 1959 and 2001 and super bowl v. >> and they have one of ray lewis' first practice jerseys bearing the number five. they say this is the perfect place for any ravens super fan to get geared up for the super bowl. >> i think you get a good understanding by coming here and looking at this stuff of what the ravens have meant to football and the nfl. >> of course they hope to be able to add another super bowl
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win to the ravens history. downtown baltimore. kim dacey, wbal-tv 11 news. >> 6:56 and 25 degrees at b.w.i. here's a look ahead at our next hour. >> even if you're feeling fine, knowing your blood pressure number is important. >> and we have beauty products without breaking the bank. >> and with the ravens in the super bowl, scam artists are hard at work. the better business bureau is here with what to look out for. >> sunday brufrpbl sounds so good. >> stay with us.
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>> welcome to 11 news sunday morning. i'm lisa robinson. >> and i'm kai reed. our top stories in a minute, but first we want to take a look outside with meteorologist tony pann. all i have to say is -- >> yes? >> 20's right now? >> feels a lot different. normally you would walk outside and go, 20's? it's freezing. but when you've had a couple days with temperatures in the teens and wind chills at zero, you think it almost feels balmy. it is down into the upper teens near the pennsylvania line. but 25 at the airport.
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we're going to make it up to 33 and sneak above freezing. the average high temperature is 42, so still way below average, but better than it has been. we will continue a warming trend into next week but we could have a problem tomorrow morning with freezing rain and sleet. we'll check your seven-day forecast in just a few minutes. >> well, you could certainly feel the excitement all over town. you can see it, too. baltimore is ready for super bowl xliii. a week from today our ravens will take on the 49ers and ravens fever is not about the break anytime soon. >> that's right. fans are bidsy stocking up on merchandise and the lucky ones are making plans to go to new orleans. more on the fan frenzy. >> still flying high after last sunday's a.f.c. championship victory, ravens fans have been flocking to ravens sports and novelty since the minute it opened monday morning. >> they want a.f.c.
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championship t-shirts and pennants and also just want to see old shirts and hopefully a victory on sunday. >> a victory is one thing they cannot buy here but name just about anything else, and you will find it. >> since they won the super bowl 12 years ago, people started loving them, and i think the team loves the community back. so it's like a love affair. >> there's no doubt brothers martin and lewis good love their hometown team. and they have got the memorabilia to prove it. memorabilia and memories. >> some of the best times that i have had were hanging out with my brother down at the ballpark prior to the game. >> but lewis hasn't been at the stadium much lately. 3 1/2 years ago he had a seizure caused by a brain tumor. since then he has had to stay away from the rowdy game day atmosphere. >> the loud noise would irritate me enough to set off a seizure.
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>> martin won the lottery to buy tickets to the super bowl and says he couldn't of imagine anyone else he would rather go with. to make the trip happen, the brothers are getting special headphones to protect lewis' ears. >> it's going to knock down the decibel level so it won't be such a shock to my system. >> hanging with my brother at the super bowl is probably one of my dreams come true now. >> sarah sampson, wbal-tv 11 news. >> you can help send the ravens off in style to new orleans. the city is holding a rally at 11:30 tomorrow morning at the amphitheatre. gerry sandusky will be the m.c. the celebration will include ravens cheerleaders and mascot poe and members of the 2001 ravens super bowl team. >> sandy point state park was the place to be for the committed, the brave, chilly and big-hearted. the 17th annual polar bear plunge lived up to its name
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after the coldest week of the winter season. 11 news diamondback are wiener has more. >> it's probably fair to say that all year long nothing sounds quite like this. >> with their game faces on. >> nothing feels quite like this, and nothing can really compare to this. the ritual, the rite of passage that is the maryland state police polar bear plunge. >> ♪ and the home of the brave ♪ [applause] >> the view from above, thanks to cap pain roy, gives the true sense of its enormity. 13,000 plunged into the icy chesapeake into what has grown to be the most successful fundraiser in history. raising money for the special olympics. all night long dozens of super plungers met the water 4 times
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and raised nearly a $250,000 dollars. our rob roblin, a plunge fan favorite spoke to some athletes on their way out of the water. >> you're cold. how are you doing, angel? >> i'm cold and wonderful and tired but having a blast. this just brings joy to my heart. err year when we do this event it just brings me great year joy. these people want to be part of our life and community. >> our jennifer franciotti makes it look easy though this year it was much colder. >> the polar bear plunge! >> terrific out here! >> the early numbers show that more than $2 million was raised this year but officials are still counting. a final number will be out later in the week probably about the time the super plungers have officially thawed. debra wiener, wbal-tv 11 news. >> well, in other news this morning baltimore county firefighter units were out in
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the cold saturday fighting a three-alarm fire at a strip mall in rosedale. they flew over philadelphia boulevard. the fire appears to have started inside of a jackie chan's chinese restaurant. it was upgraded to a third alarm when it spread to five other stores. >> the fire spread rapidly, particularly in a restaurant where they are using contents like cooking oils and other combust blets caused us to escalate the fire quickly. >> the cause of the fire is under investigation. one of the great foot soldiers in the civil rights movement has died. vern nonnathaniel dobson. in the early 1960's, reverend dobson committed his life to social justice and equality. he was a major figure in the faith community for four decades.
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we got a chance to speak to 96-year-old anne miller who worked with reverend dobson to start the maryland food bank. we asked her what she remembers about him. >> he did something. he didn't just wring his hands and say, it's terrible. he knew something could be done about it, and he did it. >> mayor stephanie rawlings-blake said we must give thanks to reverend dobson for his honesty and perseverance in the face of racism and cruelty. another released a statement saying i am proud to call him friend and his death is a loss for anyone who cares about equal for all. >> and gun rights supporters are finding ways to demonstrate their passions over the gun control issue. more from washington. >> thousands of demonstrators joined a quiet march through
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the streets of washington to send a message to washington about gun violence. among those in attendance, about 100 parents from newtown, connecticut, the scene of last month's deadly elementary school attack. >> i feel hopefull, cautiously optimistic. and i hope this is just the start of a bigger movement to keep not only our children safe but the citizens. >> the rally was one of several organized in cities across the united states from san francisco to new jersey. >> i'm hoping that the power of regular people will actually assert itself in contrast to the lobbying power of the n.r.a. >> the national rifle association says it's gearing up for an all-out battle, insisting that gun bans make no one safer. vice president biden is spear heading a public push for gun legislation that will strengthen background checks.
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limit high-powered ammunition magazines and get high power rifles off the streets. >> the american debate over guns hitting home in the nation's capital. brian moore, wbal-tv 11 news. >> in senate hearings on the gun control debate are scheduled to start on wednesday. >> near baltimore, one community organization came together to help organize a plan to help reduce crime in the city. the baltimore guardian angels held its second community meeting yesterday bringing together police, community leaders and officials to discuss ways that everyone can get involved to lower crime. >> and what we hope to do is bring this group of peoplal together and come up with some sort of likeminded idea of what we can all do as far as community policing and working together for the community of baltimore. >> they also want to patrol the
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streets and provide educational workshops for schools and businesses. >> it's 21 degrees on tv hill. how well do you understand blood pressure numbers? up ahead in your met me metro area demsh your "medical alert," learn thousand look at your blood pressure numbers and know them. >> you're looking at a live picture from skycam. tony is up after the break with your insta-weather plus forecast. stay with us.
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>> welcome back. the time is about 11 minutes after 7:00. it's 25 degrees at the airport. sun rises at 7:20. top of the hour the winds were calm so at least we don't have to calculate a wind chill. not as cold as it has been but still want to take the winter gear with you today. 22 in chestertown and 25
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degrees in catonsville. we have a little bit of high, thin cloud cover. threes not precipitation-producing clouds. we will wind up with a dry day to close out. the storm system coming across the midwest will give us a little trouble tomorrow morning. right now it will affect our morning commute. this is the leading edge of a warmer air mass coming in. we will make it into the 50's by midweek but right now we have the possibility of freezing rain and snow and sleet in the morning tomorrow. as the front comes through, it will warm up but tomorrow morning, light snow or freezing rain tomorrow morning and the winter weather advisories will spread to the east and include
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baltimore by later this afternoon and into tonight. but right now they are only in effect for the mountains. as we close out the weekend it should be dry but chilly, highs between 30-35. sunrise at 7:17 or so. a chance for the wintry mix tomorrow morning including ice then warms up in the afternoon. how about in the 50's of -- on tuesday and wednesday. we will drop back into the 20's on friday and saturday with a chance for snow at the end of the week. >> johns hopkins university is celebrating a major donation this morning from new york city mayor michael bloomberg. the school announced yesterday the mayor is giving them $350 million. most will support faculty and teaching. the rest in financial aid to undergraduate students. michael bloombergburg graduated from johns hopkins in 1964 and
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has given over $3 billion. >> one man has already had a bone marrow transplant but the monsignor is in need of another and anyone between 18-44 can be a donor. >> i want to be able to help somebody else. that was the idea. there's people out there that it's not a big deal. but it is. it's not all that difficult to be a donor, and you can save a life. >> the information from the drive will be kept on a register is industry called "be the match." participants will be notified if there is a match. >> do you know what your numbers are? learn what your bloop numbers are and how to tell if they are low or high. >> and what's -- from
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counterfeit memorabilia to phony tickets, the better business bureau is here with more on what ravens fans need to be on the lookout for.
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>> it's 7:17 and 21 degrees on tv hill. in this morning's "medical alert," high blood pressure often does its damage without causing symptoms. that's why you should know your numbers. from johns hopkins, the doctor is here with more. thank you for coming in. >> thank you for inviting me. >> knowing your numbers. what do you mean by that? >> cardiovascular disease and stroke are the number one in three killers in the state of maryland.
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other 100,000 people die from cardiovascular disease each year from that alone in this state. so it's important that you know your numbers. the sis to i can is the top number? >> yes. that's when your heart contracts and that's pretty much, you're in normal range if you're between 120 and 139. anything over 140 is considered hyper tensive. your diastolic number is the number where you have relaxation which between 80-100 is normal. anything over 100, you pretty much have hypertension. >> so it's important to look at the risk factors and control what you can? >> yes. one thing is food. the things we eat. in the state of maryland minorities suffer the most from cardiovascular diseases and
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stroke. and cerebral veras chrysler diseases, so we want to educate through the american heart association this campaign, get to gold. it's sponsored by the american heart association and ons hopkins where we lower blood pressure to lower your risk for cardiovascular disease and cerebral veras chrysler disease. we monitor blood pressures at the northeast market every second and fourth tuesday from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. so it's the perfect time if you're in the area, during lunch we can get your blood pressure monitored. you partner with a clinician at hopkins and we will make sure that you come every second and fourth tuesday to get your blood pressure monitored so you can be held accountable.
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so one thing we are trying to do is increase patient compliance who have hypertension. >> are you going to assist people with blood pressure medicine if they are? >> if needed. it's just important that you know your numbers from the git-go, because you may be in the normal range, but it's important to get this program up and running. if you're above 140, we have seen people who are 180 and 195 who haven't had their blood pressure checked in over a year. >> we see those machines everywhere. they are in the gym and supermarket, everywhere. i've heard doctors caution against using them all the time because they may not be calibrated correctly. what is your advice in terms of that kind of thing? people say oh, i've checked it. it's fine. >> those machines are usually for convenience and sometimes they are not calibrated but i would invite people to come
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down to the northeast market. when you come there you have your professionals there who have calibrated blood pressure machines. we will give you a card and on the card we will monitor your blood pressure and we will advise you to go on the american heart 360 website where you can track your blood pressure. thank you so much. coming up, beauty buys for any budget. we let you know when to steal and when to splurge. but first events going on around town. [ telephone rings ] good evening, this is flo. [laughs] yes, i'm that flo. aren't you sweet! licensed phone-ups available 24/7. call 1-800-progressive.
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every human being is unique. and there is one store that recognizes it. the sleep number store. the only place in the world you'll find... the extraordinarily comfortable sleep number experience. an exclusive collection of innovations that totally individualizes your sleep. pillows that adjust for cradling comfort. temperature-balancing bedding. dual warmth comforters. all designed around the sleep number bed: a bed with dual-air technology that allows you to adjust to the support your body needs. each of your bodies. in the name of human individuality: the sleep number collection. discover how our sleep professionals can individualize your sleep experience. exclusively at one of our 400 sleep number stores nationwide. sleep number. comfort individualized.
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queen mattresses start at just $699. and save $500 on our special edition bed set. now at the sleep number white sale. >> well, welcome back, everybody. with the start of the new year there's no better time to clean out all those makeup bags and stock up on the hot, new products. we're talking about ways you can save money. products that are just as good and ways you can save money. and don't overtake a look drugstore and if you go to c.v.s. and become a beauty club member, on beauty they give you $5 extra bucks rewards. so there's ways to save. >> so if you were to go to a department store and find something you like you could find something very similar? >> yes. everyone loves the chanel lipstick. but it's $35-$40.
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this is from sell ma hayek, her nuance collection. this is her favorite because she wears it every day. i love her whole beauty collection and it's only $9.99. big savings. because you want to have a few. skincare another must in every woman's regimen. peels are great products especially in the winter. you could go to your dermatologist's office and spend $500 or buy this one for about $150. this is skin effects. i call it five-minute facial and it's going to cost you about $25. >> huge savings. does the same job and you get a great deal. >> you also have this. it's coach so you know it's expense i have. >> $65 and perfume can go all the way up there, $200 or more. this is essence of beauty, $13.
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what i really like about these products is they really mimic the great scrents we love and there's a whole collection so you can get a few because if you are going out on the weekend, you want a different scent than when you are at work. >> you are always hitting up the town after work. >> $13, you can do that. >> and this gel nails. >> yes. everyone started going to the salon and getting the gelman cure. now the at-home versions have come out. this is by se foray and o.p.i. sally hanson just launched this. it's only $30 and does the same thing. $30, $160. you decide. >> and you say this will last just as long as if you went to se foray and bought this?
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do you have to worry about -- some of these products, of course not but with facial care and that, should you be worried about the quality? >> with skincare, this is a gliocolic so you want to make sure this has a gliocolic as opposed to going with a cheap scrub, that could cause tears in your skin. and test the products. a lot of places allow you to bring back products. all of these here are available at c.v.s. >> why not save the money. >> yes. you can buy shoes. >> there are a couple of these things that i could say i could go to c.v.s. and i would rather do that anyway. >> much more on 11 news. mmmmmm. a choice of 6 skillet entrees,
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each with an appetizer, and dessert? whoa! no wonder they call it a complete meal. 3 courses, one diner price. complete skillet meals, starting at $8.99. only at denny's.
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>> welcome back to 11 news sunday morning. thanks so much for joining us. >> let's take another look outside with tony. i don't think it's gotten any warmer. >> no. it's still in the 20's but everything's relative. better than nine or 12 but worthy of the winter gear.
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let's take a look at current conditions. colder up north. managed to drop near the teens near the pennsylvania line again. 25 at the airport. same in annapolis. the forecast for today, a mixture of sunshine and a few clouds. it will stay dry but you will see cloud cover from time to time. high of 33. we'll take that seven-day forecast all the way into next weekend coming up. >> 13,000 people did something that most will not do in the cold and freezing winter. they jumped into the icy chesapeake bay all to raise money for special olympics maryland. >> some did it every hour for an entire day. rob roblin introduces us to the motivation behind the super plungers. >> the super plungers started plunging friday morning. time after time they went into the cold water. one time every 24 hours.
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this is the 10th anniversary of the sup -- super plunge. it all started with three people. one of those was special olympics athlete jimmy myrick. jimmyy, this started with you and tom and greg shipley. did you ever ever think it would be this big and this great? >> actually, it's great that it's this big. but i want more people to come. >> jimmy couldn't plunge this year, he has been fighting leukemia, so others plunged for him. >> to actually see him back here again was motivational for us. it was a really cold night, but knowing he was there late last night and i heard he was up at 5:00 a.m. ready to come back over here. incredible. that's the support he gives us, and i'm happy to give it right back to him. >> he was here until early in the morning and came back after
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a couple hours of sleep and gives us excitement after we're tired and clear theous and ready for the plunge to kick off things. >> by saturday morning they were still plunging. early saturday morning folks started showing up here at sandy point state park. >> this is the 17th annual polar bear plunge. it's an event like none other. >> it's to give back to kids who want to do something that might not be able to do it like the regular kids who deserve to do it. and it's for a good cause. >> it's a lot of fun coming here. i've got my 5-year-old doing it. >> then at 1:00 p.m. thousands took the plunge. as always, it was a sight to see. all these people helping special olympic athletes. rob roblin, wbal-tv 11 news. >> and another polar bear plunge plunge with a different cause took place yesterday in the washington, d.c. area with snow on the ground and temperatures in the 20's, more than 150 people took a dip in
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the patomic river. this annual icy ritual is called the keep winter cold polar bear plunge sponsored by the climate action network. their goal so urge the federal government to take stronger action on climate change. >> still on 11 news, the pet looking for a home. >> and now with the super bowl a week away. warning signs to look out for when it comes to fake tickets and memorabilia. >> and we do have freezing rain and sleet in the forecast for monday. monday. stay with us.
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using robotics and mobile technology, verizon innovators have made it possible for teachers to teach, and for a kid... nathan. tadpole. ... to feel like a kid again. because the world's biggest challenges deserve even bigger solutions. powerful answers. verizon. >> welcome back. look at that beautiful sunrise
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taking place this morning. 25 at the airport. 30 at the inner harbor. time is about 7:35. top of the hour winds were calm. at least we don't have to calculate any wind chill. it's been cold but not as cold as it has been. it's 22 in chestertown and 25 in catonsville. we're going to sneak into the lower 30's today. you saw on the skycam picture the thin cloud deck. we'll call it a mixture of sunshine and a few clouds. no precipitation. we're watching a storm in the midwest producing freezing rain and sleet unfortunately. across portions of illinois and back towards st. louis. and this is the leading edge of a much warmer air mass that will visit us later in the week. we expect temperatures to get higher in the middle of the week but tomorrow morning there will be a warm front the early
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morning commute gives us the possibility of some snow, sleet or freezing rain before the warm front goes through and we start to warm up in the afternoon. so there could be some minor icing going on in the morning tomorrow. give yourself extra time. the winter weather advisory that's only for frederick counties out west will be extended to the east towards baltimore later this morning. i'm sure of that. so it will be a slippery start on monday. but not right now. the high temperatures between 30-35. sunset at 5:22. seven-day forecast says wintry mix tomorrow morning including some snow, sleet or freezing rain. then it warms up. we'll be in the 50's on tuesday and wednesday then it gets cold again with highs in the 20's and maybe some snow on friday. >> if you're heading to new orleans for super bowl xliii and you're looking for a place to stay, the better business
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bureau says keep a close eye on reservations you make with rental properties. blake hanson has more. >> it was the lure of this quaint guest home that turned margaret walker from a visitor to inkeeper all after a talk watt with the previous owner. >> i would come in for jazz fest and i was talking to them and said i would love to own a place here. she said i'm selling it. >> customers, you feel bad when they show up and they have no place to stay and they have been ripped off the money. >> a woman showed up on her doorstep and said she had a reservation but that was a fake, booked with a scammer who had downloaded pictures of walker's rental and posted them online. >> so i felt bad and tried to find places for them to stay. and they did but then i got on craig's list and found my place
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was being advertised on craig's list and it wasn't me. >> a telltale sign, bad grammar and demanding money up front including this email that says this same date has been inquired by three different parties but i have not received money yet. though this scam is disheartening, it's not stopping them from doing what they do best. >> you love to have people come to the city and enjoy it. >> something the inkeepers will keep doing despite the rise in scams. >> that was blake hanson reporting and something else to look for, phony tickets and memorabilia. jody thomas is here from the better business bureau on how to make sure you don't get scammed. >> that's one thing, where are you going to stay. so be careful there. >> tickets, memorabilia, right foul tickets. people are anxious and excited.
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they are looking for tickets. that example showed craig's list. you have to be really careful on craig's list. buyers are pretty much going to want cash or wired payment. there's a big red flag there. you want to pay by credit card or paypal or if you use ebay where you have a protection but you don't want to go offline and deal with a buyer that you don't know what you're getting into. and she had pressure as well so that was a tip-off. >> if someone says call me on the phone or meet me down the street, probably not. >> no. and you don't want to be carrying around big wads of cash either. so you would put yourself in a compromising position there. >> but paying with a credit card, not even a debit card. >> correct. you want visa, mastercard, american express, something with the benefits of the provider of that credit card company.
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you know, through some ticket brokers there are some more reliable ticket brokers. go through the ravens site and look at acredited ticket brokers and or bbb's site. >> let's talk about the memorabilia. what do you need to look for? >> this is a tough one. you've got to really be educated, first of all. know the products so you can spot a ripoff. but signatures again are going to be difficult so you want to make sure you go to a vetted vender. check out the company you're dealing with. stay away from individuals again. craig's list, you want certificates of authenticity. it's going to be an exciting year with ray lewis retiring, you know it's going to be a big buzz after the game. >> and have a friend snap a
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picture of them actually signing something if you can. stay with us, the spca joins us next with a pet looking for a good home, but first here's a look at last night's winning lottery numbers.
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>> look at that fates. obviously it's time for our pet segment from the maryland spca is katy. welcome. introduce us to your buddy. you have been taking the little
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puppy around and everybody in the studio is going, oh,. >> jenny is an 8 week old manchester terrier lab mix. >> that's an interesting combination. >> we have the whole litter. they were born at the spca in foster care. and mom had nine puppies. some of them have been adopted but jenny as well as her brother will be available. >> and if people are interested? >> they can come down to the spca today between 11:00 and 4:00. >> it's a simple process, right? >> absolutely. >> everybody is geared up for the super bowl and often you don't think about getting your pets in the mood and you found a million different things that you could buy for your pets. >> yes. there's so much fun stuff out there. we have our jerseys. our pets need a jersey, too. the snacks, we have some football-shaped treats for that
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cold weather you have your ravens flees jacket along with some footballs, there's your leash and collar which i look at as your jewelry for your human and we need the bed if you're going to a party you have your travel accessories. >> and you just hang it around their neck? >> or you could carry it and carry their supplies for the day but our cats need fun, too. there's cat nip, ravens toys and bow tie necklaces and a little ravens tutu for the animal that loves to dress up. >> where would you recommend getting it? >> all is available at the maryland pet expo at the timonium state fairgrounds. there's every possible vender out there and rescue and shelter and we would love you come out. >> katie is going to sign autographs at the timonium fairgrounds and if you want to adopt -- jenny or her brother,
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check them out at the website thank you. i'll check the seven-day forecast in a second. right now to the news desk. >> the time is 7:47 and 23 degrees on tv hill. next, we're in the 11 news kitchen for sunday brunch. stay with us. [ telephone rings ] good evening, this is flo. [laughs] yes, i'm that flo. aren't you sweet! licensed phone-ups available 24/7. call 1-800-progressive.
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>> good morning. happy super bowl week. my goodness. one week from today, indeed, super bowl xliii between the ravens and the 49ers. and yesterday the ravens held their final practice of the season at home. unbelievable. that came on january 26, 2013. yes. that's how good the season has gone, it's lasted this long. of all the unassuming matter of fact approaches to the super bowl, naturally joseph joseph leads the way by mannerism and mention of scrutiny, he remains the same just like the man who hikes him ball. let's check out matt birk.
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he mht join ray lewis in the super bowl being his last ride, but not his style really to let anybody know. rarlse john harford county really happy matt birk -- but regardless, john harbaugh is really happy matt birk is with the ravens now. >> he has been a huge part of joe flacco's development. he's smart and tough and to my eye he is playing the best football he has played to this point. to have that be true at the end of a 24-game season is impressive. he has just done a great job for us and we would not be where we are without matt birk. >> checking in on some college basketball. look at the 7'1" kid. i tried that with nerf basketball in my room as a kid and couldn't do it. baseline slam, one of the best dunks in maryland in years. however, the terps could not
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defend the three very well. rashid sulaimon. great. al second half. comes out to seth curry. knocking down another three. duke, 11-22 from downtown and too many toferingse and also had to deal with that. nathan plumlee, the reverse, no-look follow slam. something i had not yet before seen. that was impressive. 84-64, your final. terps fall to 3-4 in a.c.c. play. i'm pete gilbert. have yourselves a fantastic one week from today is super bowl, it's great. >> and ericka hill joins us live from new york with a preview of what's coming up. good morning. we like your ravens purple. >> ha ha. thank you lisa. how did you know it was just for you? good morning. coming up on sunday morning on tae, we'll have much more on
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the dangerous mix of snow and freezing rain expected to slam the area and dramatic images of a helicopter rescue. a young boy and two women plucked from raging floodwaters to safety. and she is being hailed a miracle baby. born with her heart outside her body. how her and her parents are embarking on their journey. >> and so customers complaining the footlong sandwich comes up a little bit short. so we took a look for ousts and we have results. >> plus, our good friend hoda kotbe is here to talk about her new book sunday on "today." >> all right. it's time for sunday brunch. joining us this morning is you'lla mcdowell from the big bean theory. welcome you'lla. here you're going to make some
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bread pudding. >> yes. we're going to start off making some bread pudding, and it's very important to know you can youzhny kind of bread to make the bread pudding. french bread we have here and my favorite is the ones with the raisins and the nuts and grains. reason being you can already incorporate it in the ingredients you already have. so we start off with bread, milk and navy bean. we blended it with the butters and sugars and oils. >> and you said we're focusing on beans for a good reason? >> well, fiber is the most important reason because when you put fiber in your body, it accesses the agent and your body uses the food for energy and whatever else it doesn't use it pushes through. the fiber helps that. we are going to put some nutmeg in and got a secret blend. >> you can't tell us that part?
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>> no. then we have some vanilla. incorporate it and get all those ingredients in there nice. >> so if you wanted to do more of a cinnamon bread you could do that, too? >> cinnamon, pumpkin. french is really good because it holds up really good, and you will get those ingredients in there and see how it sokes it up? then put the sugar over the top. and then -- >> brown shug center >> i use brown sugar, because it has a light flavor. and it has the mo lasses and other care medicaling already in there so it will hold together and give it a really nice flavor. we also put some lemon zest in here and you just mix it around and let it soak. let it sit for a little bit. >> are we at the right angle there?
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can you see it there? ok. there you go. so you're not really -- you don't want the bread to -- you want it to be chunky? >> yes. and you want it to get really nice and moist. so you're going to have to let it sit for a while and then plate it and put it in a pan. >> so are we going to do that step so some people can see? i will try to hold it up to the camera so we can see how you want that to be. ok. >> so we are just going to take a pan. lightly grease it. you can youzhny size pan or bowl for this. you can use little things to make small, personal sizes. >> ok. while you're doing this, let's take a look at the recipe. if you would like a copy of today's recipe, log on to our website at and click on food or send us a
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self--addressed stamp envelope. this looks so good. excellent. and i think i can maybe do this at home. >> it's really easy. >> great dish for a cold morning. >> absolutely. let's take one more look at the seven-day forecast. we're going to take care of that cold. still chilly today, 33. ice tomorrow morning for the morning commute then we'll jump into the 50's tuesday and wednesday but trade out a chance for rain for both days. is this the finished product? >> lovely. >> we're located in owings mills mall in the food court. >> thank you. back at 9:00.
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